Friday, October 1, 2010

Tombstone Tourist

I wonder, are many other witches Tombstone Tourists?


...out by the light of the Full Moon

Looking, seeking...
 waiting for just the right spot & time
To honor the dead?
Wild & Bright Blessings!

Tombstone tourist (otherwise known as a "taphophile", "cemetery enthusiast" or "grave hunter" or "graver") describes an individual who travels to visit cemeteries for the enjoyment of looking at old and unusual stones or to find the graves of famous people. Tombstone tourists are usually more interested in the historical aspects of cemeteries or the historical relevance of its denizens. ~ Wikipedia


  1. Your photos are beautiful. I used to love going through them as a child. I still do to some extent, but never for famous people or anything on that level.
    Really lovely. I think I know what I am doing this weekend. :)

  2. Nice photos, yes. I like the scrabble stone, and the one with the couple :-) I think I'd like something like that on our grave... if we'd have any. The cat is very nice, too.

    I am not a taphophile, even though I like graveyards very much. They are usually beautiful and serene parks, with a lot of interesting human stories... I like to think what kind of a person it is lying under the ground... what kind of life she/he had, when and how he/she was buried and whom did she/he left behind, and all that.

  3. @ Gingerbread Goddess - I would love to take credit, but found these on the web. Most of the cemeteries around my town have pretty tame markers. Some are only marked by the date, which fascinates me!

  4. @Ketutar - that's exactly why I love cemeteries & used clothing stores! I'm always wondering how other people lived.

  5. I've been looking all over to find the lying woman and the lying couple, do you still have the source websites for those?

    I'd like to know where they are at

  6. I'm not sure who originally took the pictures. These are scattered all over the web. I think my original search was "strange headstones". Best of luck!

