Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Frugal Witchcraft - Crystals & Stones

Many witches use crystals & stones in their magick, or simply as a tool for energy work.  But, in our metaphysical shops, these stones can get really expensive!

Witchy's time to think outside of the box.
Blessing of the Stones

While I'm happy to support my local witch shop for some items, I also value my $$ & time (the time it takes to make the $$ cuts into my fun time.)

Lately, I've been thinking about my mother-in-law.  She has has a beautiful "rock" collection that she's been working on for years.  Now, since I KNOW she would NEVER step into a metaphysical store, I wondered...where does she get these beautiful geological specimens.

Then I discovered our local mineral museum.  Like most museums, it has a gift shop.  Without the mark-up of spirituality, my crystals cost me about 1/2 the price!

Also, there is a traveling gem shows.  Here's an example using a quick Google search for gem show.  Some of these are for wholesalers only, but most are open to the public.  The prices are MUCH better than in your local shop & there is a HUGE variety to choose from.

So, lovely witches...don't break the bank purchasing crystal generators & amethyst cathedrals.  Find out where your local rockhounds shop. 

Wild & Bright Blessings,

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