Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sacred Garden - Phase 1

Borrowing from the practices of Native Americans, Buddhists & Wiccans, I have begun a Medicine Wheel/Meditation/Peace Prayer/Sacred Circle Garden.  I chose this spot last year, planting wildflowers to allow the soil a time of rest.  I expect to have some volunteer wildflowers push up through the new layers of compost, soil & mulch. 

The paths are bordered with wine & beer bottles...ok, not so very spiritual, but a great way to recycle & I think they're pretty!  So far, I don't have enough bottles for the outer circle border...more wine anyone?

Each Cardinal Direction is marked with a Camphor pole.  Camphor is a very spiritual plant, useful in meditation & spiritual cleansing. It is supportive of harmonious energy.

The poles are tied with colored cloth ribbons in the appropriate Elemental colors.  Each ribbon has a peace quote & an Elemental blessing written on it.  As I tied the ribbons, I invited each Element to this sacred garden. 

Each quadrant of the circle will hold medicinal or spiritual herbs corresponding to the element of that quadrant.  So far I have planted:

There will be more plants, more ribbons, more blessings, hopes, dreams & spells.

The center of the garden is a place of meditation & magick, where I hope to spend each New & Full Moon.  It will be home to potions, stones, poppets, etc. as they soak up Lunar Energy.

Tomorrow's New Moon, will be the first.  I really worked hard to get this space ready for March's New Moon, a time of great creativity & renewal.  Spring!  My garden blessing ritual will involve Elemental dance steps designed to call forth Elemental Energies.  I will, again, cast the border of this circle & consecrate the space.  As with any sacred space, the more it is used, the stronger the energy becomes. 

Once I'm sure my energy is strong & stable in this space, I will invite friends.  I'm hoping each pole will eventually be covered with many layers of peaceful & loving blessing ribbons.  These ribbons send blessings into the wind for all living beings.

Stopping my finger now, time to get some tattoo work.

Wild & Bright Blessings!


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